The Three-Body Problem

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After a spate of apparent suicides among elite scientists, nanotech engineer Wang Miao is asked to infiltrate a secretive cabal. During his investigation, Wang is inducted into a mysterious online game that is the key to humanity’s place in the cosmos and the key to the extinction-level threat it now faces.

Cixin Liu is China's #1 SF writer and author of The Three-Body Problem - the first ever translated novel to win a Hugo Award. Prior to becoming a writer, Liu worked as an engineer in a power plant in Yangquan.

Ken Liu is the author of the epic fantasy series The Dandelion Dynasty, as well as short story collections The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories and The Hidden Girl and Other Stories. He has won the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, and other top genre awards around the world for his fiction. A programmer and lawyer, he speaks and consults on futurism, technology history, and sustainable storytelling.

1 review for The Three-Body Problem


Average of 1 review

  1. Megan G

    A mind-bending science fiction novel that explores complex scientific concepts and philosophical questions. The story is intriguing and thought-provoking, making it a must-read for fans of hard science fiction.

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